Register for 2022/23 Winter Warriors!

Register for 2022/23 Winter Warriors!

Our  infamous Winter Warriors Division is returning!


Pier 40 Leagues plays 7v7 (six and a keeper).
We have three divisions… (See below to register)

* Monday Mens
* Monday Coed
* Wednesday Mens


Fee is $1475 per team / $150 per free agent / Small group registration also available. ($150 per player)
Team captains will be asked to pay a $200 deposit to secure their spot.
The balance is payable before the season begins.
Coed 7v7 plays on Mondays. Men have choice of Monday or Wednesday divisions. We start in December and take a holiday break before returning in January.
Winter Warriors is a 8 week season.
This league plays outside at Pier 40.
If we are unable to complete the league because of adverse weather we will refund/credit dues for games not played.


We also have a Sunday morning/afternoon 6v6 league on the excellent new Lower East Side field on Essex St/ Seward Park


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