Best locations and times!
ADULTS – Click links for full info.
- PIER 40. Manhattan. Mondays or Wednesdays at Pier 40 starting in June 2024, 7v7 10 week season, $1775 per team
- SEWARD PARK, Manhattan, Tuesdays or Thursdays starting June 2024, 6v6 , 10 week season, $1300 per team, $145 free agents/small group
- PIER 5, Brooklyn Bridge Park. Tuesdays 9v9. SOLD OUT
- PIER 5, Brooklyn Bridge Park. Wednesdays 6v6, Wednesdays 6v6, Open & Coed.
Youth – Click link for full info.
- SEWARD PARK, Manhattan, Saturday Morning Program. Start early June. 1st through 4th grades. 8 weeks, $45 per child.
Let s know if you have any questions